Sarah Greenwood - short CV | |
Education: |
2008: PhD (Geography) |
University of Sheffield |
2004: BSc (Geography) |
University of Sheffield |
Professional employment: |
2017 - Wallenberg Academy Fellow |
Department of Geological Sciences Stockholm University |
2013 - Research Scientist |
Department of Geological Sciences Stockholm University |
2010 - 2012 Post-doctoral researcher |
Department of Geological Sciences Stockholm University |
2008 - 2010 Post-doctoral researcher |
Department of Physical Geography & Quaternary Geology Stockholm University |
Research Grants:
2017 - 2022. Wallenberg Academy Fellowship: The Baltic and Bothnian Basins: templates for marine ice sheet retreat.
2016 - 2017. Project grant: READY: Retreat dynamics of marine-based ice sheets. INQUA. Co-PIs: L. Bjarnadóttir, S. Greenwood, L. Simkins, M. Winsborrow.
2014 - 2017. Project grant: Ice flow and retreat dynamics in the western Ross Sea: configuration, competition and collapse. Vetenskaprådet (Swedish Research Council).
2013 - 2014. Project grant: Missing links in the Swedish glacial retreat history: geophysical survey of submerged archives. Geological Survey of Sweden.
Current Teaching:
Tellus II Geology (Bachelors 1st year)
Palaeoclimatology and the Ocean System. Course director. (Bachelors 3rd year)
Tellus III Geology (Scotland, Bachelors 1st year)
Palaeoceanography and Palaeoclimatology I (Bachelors 3rd year)