Curriculum Vitae | |
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Academic Record | |
now: | Professor at Stockholms University (Sweden). |
2008–2009: | DFG-Mercator-Professor at Institut für Geographie, Universität Würzburg (Germany). |
2008–2012: | Associate Professor at Canterbury. |
2005–2007: | Senior Lecturer at Canterbury University. |
2002–2005: | Professor at Mainz University. |
1998–2002: | Associate Professor at Mainz University. |
1993–1994: | Research Associate at Yale University (USA). |
1992–1993 | and 1994-1998: Assistant Professor at "Institut für Geowissenschaften" of Mainz University (Germany). |
1989–1992: | Postdoctoral scholar at Tübingen. |
1988–1989: | Research Associate at Tübingen University. |
1986–1988: | Ph.D. studies at Tübingen University (Germany); advisor: Wolfgang Frisch. |
1979–1985: | Diplom studies at Darmstadt University (Germany); advisor: Georg Kleinschmidt. |
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Fellowships and Awards: | |
"Hans Cloos Compass" of the “Geologische Vereinigung of Germany” |
Fellow of the Geological Society of London. |
Scholar of the German Science Foundation. |
Scholar of the Humboldt Foundation. |
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Professional Committee, Editorial and Review Responsibilities |
Editor for American Journal of Science - Special Issue “A tribute to the career of Alfred Kröner”; Ring, U., Mertz, D.F. (Editors). |
Lead editor for Special Publications Geological Society London 321 (2009): Ring, U., Wernicke, B. (Editors): Extending a continent: Architecture, rheology and heat budget. |
Co-convenor for Penrose Conference on "Extending a Continent: Architecture, Rheological Coupling and Heat Budget" to be held on Naxos, Greece, October 8–13, 2007. | |
Advisory Editor for Journal Geological Society London (since 2003). |
Editorial Board, Geology 1998–2000, since 2008; Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Journal of African Earth Sciences and Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. |
Lead editor for Special Publications Geological Society London 154 (1999): Ring, U., Brandon, M.T., Lister, G.S., Willett, S. (Editors): Exhumation Processes: Normal faulting, ductile flow and erosion. |
Co-convenor of symposia on "Geodynamics of collision belts: stacking and exhumation processes", European Geophysical Society meeting, Nice, April 20–24, 1998. |
Co-convenor for Penrose Conference on "Exhumation Processes: Normal faulting, ductile flow and erosion", Chania, Crete, October 8–13, 1997. |
Brandon, M.T. & Ring, U. (1996): Exhumation Processes: Normal Faulting, Ductile flow, and Erosion (Penrose conference). – Report. GSA Today, 7 (5), 17–20. |
Brandon, M.T. & Ring, U. (1995): Exhumation Processes: Normal Faulting, Ductile flow, and Erosion (Penrose conference). GSA Today, 5 (12), 242–243. |
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Research Grants |
Climate-controlled mountain building: Tectonic consequences of the rain shadow in the Southern Alps of New Zealand – Swedish Research Council, funding 2017–2020. |
Trying to resolve the mystery of the uplift of the Al Hajar Mountains in Oman -Stiftelsen Anna-Greta och Holger Crafoords fond, funding 2014–2017. |
Testing tectonic concepts for the Seve Nappe Complex, Jämtland – Swedish Geological Survey, 2014–2017. |
Some like it hot: testing predictions of numerical models on continental extension, core complex development and lower-crustal flow – Swedish Research Council, funding until 2016. |
Inversion of a Tertiary sedimentary basin: The Castle Hill basin – Brian Mason Technical Trust, funding until 2014. |
Eclogite exhumation and associated mineralisations – International mobility fund of NZ, funding 2011–2012. |
Active fault zones as an analogy for fluid pathways in fossil mineral systems – Centre of Exploration Targeting, Perth – funding 2010–2011. |
How do continents extend? The Paparoa core complex – Brain Mason Trust (NZ$25000 for 2 years). |
Rift dynamics, uplift and climate change: interdisciplinary research linking asthenosphere and atmosphere – DFG Forschergruppe (Research Unit) 703 (Euro 5.6 mill for 6 years). |
Timing of eclogite-facies metamorphism and rates of exhumation of the eclogite zone in the Tauern Window, Austria – proposal Ri 538/25-1 (Euro 25.000 for 3 years). |
Rb-Sr and fission-track dating of high-pressure rocks in the Cyclades, Greece, for precisely con-straining rates of exhumation – proposal Ri 538/23-1 (Euro 25.000 for 3 years). |
Exhumation of high and ultrahigh-pressure rocks in extruding wedges: a field study in the Western Gneiss Region of Norway and the Eclogite Zone of the Tauern window and finite-element modelling (project is funded through DFG graduate college at Mainz University) (funding for 1 Postdoc and 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years). |
The thermal and topographic evolution of the Menderes Massif, western Turkey, combined thermal-mechanical-hydraulic numerical simulations (project in graduate college) (funding for 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years). |
Is vertical ductile thinning a major exhumation mechanism? A case study in a Late Paleozoic accre-tionary wedge in Chile – DFG project Ri 538/21-1 (Euro 100.000 received for 2 years). |
Fission track and (U-Th)/He-dating on apatite and zircon for constraining the timing of crustal-scale detachments in the Aegean – DFG project Ri 538/18-1 (Euro 25.000 received for 2 years). |
Vertical ductile thinning and inverse pressure-temperature breaks during nappe stacking in the Western Alps, Gran Paradiso Massif, Italy – DFG project Ri 538/17-1 (Euro 10.000 received for 3 years). |
Climate stratigraphy of shallow marine Late Miocene carbonates (Heraklion graben, Crete): A new sedimentologic tool for subdividing tectonically active graben (main principal investigator T. Brachert, Mainz) – DFG project Br 1153/7-1 (Euro 90.000 received for 3 years, including salary for a Ph.D. student, 2001–2004). |
Pressure-temperature-time evolution of a heterogeneous nappe pile in the Aegean and westernmost Turkey: Implications for retreating subduction zones and for the exhumation of high-pressure rocks – DFG project Ri 538/16-1 and 16-2 (Euro 200.000 received for 3 years, including salaries for a postdoc (2 years) and a Ph.D. student (3 years), 2001–2004). |
Fission track and (U-Th)/He-dating on apatite and zircon for constraining the tectonic and erosional components of exhumation along a crustal-scale detachment in the northern Menderes Massif of westernmost Turkey – DFG project Ri 538/15-1 (Euro 25.000, 2002–2004). |
Relationship between tectonics and sedimentation in the forearc of the Hellenic subduction zone on Crete: Implications for retreating subduction zones (project in graduate college, main principal investigator T. Brachert) (funding for 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years, 2000–2003). |
Aspects of the three-dimensional thermal evolution of the Cycladic Massif in the Aegean (project in the graduate college) (funding for 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years, 2000–2003). |
Deformation processes in the southern Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for the exhumation of metamorphic rocks in the eastern Mediterranean (project in graduate college) (funding for 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years, 2000–2003). |
Finite-difference modelling of detachments (project in graduate college) (funding for 1 postdoc for 1 year, 2000–2001). |
Transition from subduction to collision: Late Miocene to Recent sedimentation and tectonics in the Heraklion graben on Crete – DFG project Ri 538/14-1) (Euro 10.000 for 1 year, 2000). |
Dynamics of accretionary wedges: Quantification of deformation processes and mass loss in the Torlesse accretionary wedge of New Zealand – DFG project Ri 538/12-1 and 12-2 (Euro 100.000 received for 3 years, including salary for Ph.D. student, 1999–2002). |
Tectonic significance of large-scale folds in the Torlesse accretionary wedge, New Zealand (project in the graduate college) (funding for 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years, 1998–2002). |
Kinematic and metamorphic evolution of the western Menderes Massif in Turkey – DFG project Ri 538/4-1, 4-2 and 4-3) (Euro 200.000 received from 1993-2001, including salaries for two Ph.D. students from 1993–1996 and 1997–2000). |
Geodynamics of convergent plate boundaries: Quantification of deformation processes in the Tor-lesse accretionary wedge (funded through Mainz University) (Euro 10.000 received from 1997–1999). |
Triclinic shear zones (project in graduate college) (funding for 1 postdoc for 2 years, 1997–1999; principal investigator C. Passchier). |
Can the deformation in thrust zones be described by simple shear? A case study at the Glarus Thrust in Switzerland (project in the graduate college) (funding for 1 Ph.D. student for 3 years, 1997–2000). |
Tectonic processes in accretionary wedges: The relevance of volume loss and vertical ductile thinning for the exhumation of high-pressure rocks, Franciscan Complex, USA – DFG project Ri 538/8-1 (Euro 40.000 received from 1996–1999). |
Investigations on the kinematic development of pressure solution fabrics in experimentally and naturally deformed rocks – joint DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and NSF (National Science Foundation of USA) project (Euro 30.000 received from 1996–1997). |
Depositional history, accretion tectonics and pressure solution deformation in the Ukelayet Flysch, Olyutorsky suture zone (Kamchatka, Russia) – joint NSF/DFG project (Euro 15.000 received from 1996–1997). |
Palaeobiogeographic, sedimentologic and tectonic evolution of the Manyara Rift (Tanzania) – Project funded by National Geographic Society, USA (Euro 80.000 received from 1995–1996, main investigator T. Bromage, Hunter College New York). |
Tectonometamorphic evolution of the eastern Central Alps – DFG projects Ri 538/1-1 and 1-2) – (Euro 60.000 received from 1989–1992). |
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Students Advised: | |
MSc and Honours students:
PhD students: |
Postdocs: |
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